Lifestyle • Science & Tech
We are car guys. We love our cars, polish our tools and talk freely and heavy!
Old cars, trucks, buses..anything, from American Iron, to imports, we fix them, and have fun.
For us, no car R.I.P.s, our cars RIP asphalt! Why?
Because motor oil is thicker than blood!
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2023 Mopar Review - Stealership Drama and Theft?

I go into what 2023 was like for a Mopar fan. Its not comprehensive, just how I feel, and how others feel about Dodge, the Demon 170, markups, cars yanked from under the state of my fleet (for whatever that's worth)

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Rev up your engines, honk your horns, and spin some tires...
Let the guys are @support know that we are at the front line of free speech.
This is not about my channels, but about OUR RIGHT to express ourselves and OUR CULTURE!

Car culture is at its core an American phenomenon, that spread across the world. Its not about being rich, or showing off, but about each one of us, each one of our cars, and the stories that we tell to each other, history, tradition, struggles and the freedom to live and learn. It doesnt matter what make or model, new and old, import or domestic, we all share that drive to be free.

CAN WE BE LOUD ENOUGH TO GET LOCALS to notice us? I know for a fact, that us car guys can be LOUD! So redline your voices, and lets gitir done!

3 years ago, I did something that changed my life.

This is how it all started. If you havent watched it before, this is how 3 years ago, I decided to import a city bus from Romania. I named the bus Olivia, after my grandfather who was involved in the bus' design.
This was a decision that pushed me hard, it pushed me to face my disability and either lay down in pain, or get up and do something different, even if still in pain.
I don't know who will see this, or if people want to be motivated anymore, but at least I did something. I will repost the more memorable episodes, and hopefully you enjoy it.
Welcome to RIP Roaring Garage, where motor oil is thicker than blood!

PS If enough people follow, and join our community, we can get Locals to add a very important category, the automotive category. We have been fighting persecution, across continents, for reasons ranging from capitalist sentiment to pollution and other authoritarian laws. We defy these measures every day we turn a wrench, turn a key, and turn the other fist!

No more updates on Locals

I lost access through my PC, and can only log in using a browser that I don't use. So, I will likely no longer post on locals.

Why is it that Alt Tech goes out of their way to FUCK with us, and make their services as impossible to use?

I'm kinda done to be honest, with tech, with all the bs. I wanna live in a cave.
I don't know when Ill log back in here. So ...Im on X or Youtube if you wanna reach out.

Thank you to ALL Veterans

TRUMP WON, but I remember those fallen in the past 4 years, Pnut, Fred, and so many peoples livelihoods. You will be avenged

Time off

I know I havent posted...anywhere other than a bit here and there. I am working on something that I think everyone will enjoy watching. Was supposed to post it this week (its a series, about 5-6 parts, very in depth).

Of course...the VA had other plans. I am not a free person, not even an American. I am a literal slave at this point, and if I want to live, I have to follow what these idiots at the VA tell me to do. If I dont, they can call the cops and force things. Its a fine line, to avoid medications they keep pimping out (brought to you by pfiser) and getting some treatment to keep me from falling apart.

So bare with me. I will get to editing once I get the FVA off my back. I do this every month, wasting a weeks worth of time. This new idiot wants me to come in every week...and do this whole dance. So in other words that would be my full time job. Some moments I wonder if they truly, in their heart, want to kill us off....

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